Classic New Orleans with a Twist | Henah P | New Orleans

Henah held her wedding at one of our most loved venues in New Orleans - il mercato!

When we were first emailing she made sure to stress that “this is not a traditional Indian wedding” and she wanted someone that was comfortable with her skin tone but that wouldn’t go overboard with color. Our amazing artist Leah did just that by creating a beautiful look that enhanced Henah’s features.

Along with not wanting an over done makeup - Henah has A LOT of hair and Bri did a gorgeous job creating Henah’s dream hair!

Leah & Bri did my wedding makeup and hair, and they were phenomenal. I was complimented all night on how gorgeous it turned out, and both ladies were sooo easy and wonderful to work with. Their work was truly flawless and they were such joys to be around!! xx
— Henah

Everything about Henah’s wedding is so effortlessly New Orleans and we love how she incorporated her family’s traditions into the wedding without losing sight of who she is as a modern bride.